
Early Childhood Councils Share Measurement Report for 2023-2024 – filter on first tab to include only ECPAC if you want to see how we fare with the rest of Councils: Report (2023-2024); Report (2022-2023); Report (2021-2022)

Adams County only has 1 child care slot available for every child who needs it and there are areas of the County where this number is much worse. Child care is often not affordable for families – due to the low investment in child care. The cost of quality is often more than what programs can bring in.  Learn more in the ECPAC Affordability and Accessibility of Quality ECE Programs in Adams County – Final Report – 2019

ECPAC partners came together to identify top priorities to address to improve systems and policies to better support young children and their families. ECPAC dove deep into these priorities to determine next steps. Find out more: ECPAC EC and Family Policy Report.2019

ECPAC partners came together to plan strategies for addressing the lack of affordable infant and toddler childcare for families with consideration of the high costs of providing care for this age group for providers.  Find out more in the Infant Toddler Report Adams CountyEn Espanol.

ECPAC partners worked together from March 2021 – June 2022 to collect data to inform a decision on a recommended common referral platform in Adams County.  Find the final results in this report: Improving Referrals in Adams County 2022

According to the Colorado Health Institutes’ Risk, Reach, and Resources Report (2018) Adams County has the highest concentration of young children at risk for social-emotional concerns.  We are fortunate to have all of the available state funded programming to help prevent these concerns, however the investment into these programs is not enough to address the need. ECPAC works with all 11 programs to help ensure families have access and to advocate for additional resources. Dive further into specific results for Adams County.

Community Needs Assessments (State and Local):

ECPAC was the local implementation community for Project LAUNCH from 2014-2019. Many successes were achieved, leading to new programming and new partnerships to continue to promote the wellness of young children from birth to 8 years by addressing the physical, social, emotional, cognitive, and behavioral aspects of their development. Project LAUNCH 2014-2019 Final Report. Some of the work from Project LAUNCH was also highlighted in Zero to Three: ZeroToThree.CareNavigation

ECPAC participated in the The Strengthening Working Families Initiative (SWFI) from 2017-2020. The SWFI program was designed to help parents (of children under 13) to receive a certificate from the Community College of Aurora or the Community College of Denver in high-demand industries (Healthcare, Information Technology & Advanced Manufacturing). See the final report; policy recommendations, and the final early childhood learning collaborative chronicle.

ECPAC supports efforts to enhance systems, increase access to services, support high quality child care and preschool, improve family’s knowledge and skills towards responsive parenting, and provide professional development towards high quality services. Learn more about the impact of this work: Stories of Impact 2018; Stories of Impact 2018 (Spanish);

The Temple Hoyne Buell Foundation funded the development of a report highlighting the role of Early Childhood Councils and the impact on their communities. ECAPC is recognized for our work in this report.

In partnership with Illuminate Colorado, ECPAC supported the data collection and determination of recommendations to increase support for families who have a primary caregiver struggling with substance use: See report.

ECPAC participated in the Early Childhood Education (ECE) Workforce Coalition to support the research of and recommendations for increasing and improving the ECE workforce.  See Report.

Through Early Milestones Colorado’s Early Childhood Education Workforce Innovation grant, ECPAC worked with two Early Childhood Councils to develop an ECE Career Navigation model – which is highlighted, along with other great work across the state, in this report.

Also check out the video of impact!