
Current Policy Efforts:

Read: ECPAC’s Policy Agenda

Lea: Agenda de políticas

ECPAC is actively involved in Colorado’s Early Childhood Policy collaborative, keeping an eye on local and national efforts to best support young children and families.

ECPAC completed two deep dives into policies to improve equitable access to high quality services and supports for families and young children in January 2019. ECPAC continues to work on the recommendations from these reports and is making progress.

2025 Legislative Session

Colorado’s 2025 Legislative Session runs from January 8 – May 7, 2025.  ECPAC greatly appreciates all legislators’ dedication and public service!  While ECPAC does not automatically support the same legislative priorities as the Colorado Children’s Campaign, we do follow their work closely to best stay informed.  Their website offers a wealth of information on how to best advocate, what policies are impacting young children and families, data and research that is prudent, and upcoming events to support policy efforts: http://www.coloradokids.org/; Colorado Children’s Campaign 2025 Legislative Priorities.

For the 2025 Legislative Session – HERE are some of the priorities related to young children, families, and early childhood professionals .  ECPAC will be following and taking action on as needed. Furthermore, ECPAC is monitoring other pieces of legislation not listed and will add those which are supported or opposed when the Board take official action.

ECPAC is currently advocating to the Joint Budget Committee for lower reductions in budget cuts for programs critical to young children, families, and early childhood professionals.

ECPAC officially supports the following:

Policies related to Early Care and Education:

  • ECPAC is monitoring bills in this area

Policies related to Family Supports and Basic Needs:

  • ECPAC is monitoring bills in this area

Policies related to Health/Mental Health:

  • ECPAC is monitoring bills in this area

ECPAC officially opposes the following:

  • No opposition thus far

Other policy efforts:

ECPAC is engaged in efforts to support the implementation planning for the following:

  • No further engagement at this time

Federal Policy Efforts:

This year ECPAC is advocating for Congress to not cut critical programs for families such as Medicaid, WIC, SNAP, or Childcare/Early Care and Education.

Some of Adams County Elected Officials:

Senators (Congressional)

Sen. Michael Bennet [D] and Sen. John Hickenlooper [D]

Representative (Congressional)


Senators (State)

Name/Website/Email District Party Phone Number
Senator Scott Bright 13 Democrat 303-866-4855
Senator Lindsey Daugherty 19 Democrat 303-866-4840
Senator Daphne Michaelson Jenet 21 Democrat 303-866-4857
Senator Kyle Mullica 24 Democrat 303-866-4451
Senator Faith Winter 25 Democrat 303-866-4863
Senator Mike Weissman 28 Democrat 303-866-4879


Representatives (State)

Name/Website/Email District Party Phone Number
Representative Lisa Feret 24 Democrat 303-866-2950
Representative Shannon Bird 29 Democrat 303-866-2843
Representative Jacque Phillips 31 Democrat 303-866-2918
Representative Manny Rutinel 32 Democrat 303-866-2945
Representative William Lindstedt 33 Democrat 303-866-4667
Representative Jenny Willford 34 Democrat 303-866-2931
Representative Lorena Garcia 35 Democrat 303-866-2964
Representative Michael Carter 36 Democrat 303-866-2942
Representative Carlos Barron 48 Republican 303-866-2943
Representative Chris Richardson 56 Republican 303-866-2912


In Adams County there are five members of the Board of County Commissioners. For more information about contacting a Commissioner please visit: http://www.co.adams.co.us/bocc

Board members are:

For more information about other elected officials in Adams County see HERE.