Community Resources


Connect with a Family Support Specialist at our Family Resource Center.


Here are some resources in case you are needing some extra help:

Click on the Title below to see more information.

Basic Needs (food, shelter, transportation, etc.


Brighton Housing Authority – Public Housing, Section 8, Community Programs

Rental and Mortgage Assistance with Maiker Housing Partners

Housing Assistance with Family Tree

Resources for Assistance with Evictions Foreclosures Bills

Cold Weather Care (CWC) – offers emergency shelter during the winter months to those experiencing homelessness. Serves men, women, and families. Along with basic needs, CWC provides individualized case management. Facilities located across Adams County, including Brighton.

Maiker Housing Partners 720-502-5890

Family Motel

ACCESS Housing

Baker School Apartments

Almost Home – Emergency Shelter and Housing Assistance. 231 N Main St, Brighton, CO 80601


WIC (Women, Infants and Children)

Adams County Food Banks and Pantries

Supplemental Nutrition Assistance Program (SNAP): food assistance program

  • Your EBT card can provide entrance to places around town for only $1 per person! Other benefits

Mobile Pantry in Thornton

Brighton Food Assistance Resources

School District 14 Family Resource Center

Hunger Free Colorado Referral Form


Non-Emergent Medical Transportation (NEMT)

“Getting There” Guide – transportation resources – flyer


Low Cost or No Cost Immunizations

Colorado Drug Card

Look up medication pricing using the Colorado Drug Card.

Medicaid Buy-In Program for Children with Disabilities.

Nutrition and Healthy Living

Children’s Activities

  • Boys & Girls Clubs of Metro Denver – only $2 per year!! –
  • Imagination Playground at the West View Recreation Center in Westminster
  • Drop-in Tot Time at the Westminster Sports Center – only $1 per child.
  • Children’s Museum of Denver:
  • Anythink Libraries – free summer program, “Crafternoon,” “Lego Club,” “Baby and Toddler Music & Movement,” “Teen Cooking,” and much more! Click link for more information on class schedules.
    • ALSO: the “Anythink Bookmobile” visits neighborhoods throughout Adams County, making it possible for the district to bring library service to residents outside of the service area of local Anythink locations. Check the bookmobile’s upcoming stops.
  • Westminster Public Libraries – ongoing clubs include: a free “Drop-In Homework Center,” “Pen & Pencil Club,” and a “read to dogs” program.
    • Adventure Pass: get free and discount tickets to places around town, such as the Butterfly Pavilion, museums, the Westminster Recreation Center, and state parks.
  • Joyful Journeys Community Enrichment – many free activities and classes for children and families, including “After School Homework Help,” free exercise classes, and much more!
  • My Denver Card – Denver youth, ages 5-18, get free access to recreation centers, pools, and cultural facilities (for example: several museums, The Denver Zoo, Denver Botanic Gardens, etc.)
  • Yoga for Young Warriors – drop-in classes and packages for kids and teens.
  • The Denver Art Museum is free for children 18 years of age and younger!
    • General admission is free on the first Saturday of each month
    • Also available on the first Saturday of the month: a free “Collection Highlights Tour” in Spanish
  • Every Kid in a Park: 4th graders (and their families) get free access to all National Parks.

Workshops, Programs, and Activities for Caregivers

  • For information on classes for parents and support groups, go to the Family Services and Education page.
  • Westminster Public Libraries has a number of ongoing classes/clubs for adults including “Crafting Group,” “Speak English Conversation Groups,” “Spanish Conversation Club,” “Job Hunt Help,” and “Citizen Preparation Classes.” For the most updated dates/times visit the link.
  • Anythink Libraries has a variety of classes and clubs for adults, including “Mindfulness,” “Tech Help Drop-Ins,” “Legal Self-Help,” and “Computer and Internet Basics.” For the most updated dates/times, visit the link.
    • Next Chapter Book Club is a community-based literacy program for people with developmental disabilities. All are welcome, regardless of reading ability.
  • Adult Education Programs (click on the map and zoom in to find an organization near you).

Disabilities and Respite Care Resources

Domestic Violence Resources

  • Family Tree – Domestic Violence Emergency Residential Services. Purpose: to keep victims safe from domestic violence by providing a 24-hour crisis line, emergency shelter, safety planning, advocacy, community resources, health care and other supportive services.
    • 24-Hour Crisis Line: 303-420-6752
    • Domestic Violence Outreach Program/Women in Crisis Shelter: 303-271-6559; 303-420-0412.
  • Project Safeguard – Legal Advocacy for Victims of Domestic Violence (safety planning, direct court support). Two types of legal clinics are available through Project Safeguard:
    • Protection Order Clinics – held daily in Littleton, Brighton, Broomfield and Denver
    • Legal Advocacy and Assistance Clinics – two part workshops facilitated by an attorney and designed to assist those clients who are seeking divorce and or allocation of parental responsibility (custody) without benefit of an attorney
    • Adams County: 303-637-7761.
  • Arising Hope – Faith-Based Emergency Shelter and Community Services; staff and volunteers will assist victims on legal concerns, safety planning, secondary housing, transportation, life-skills coaching, employment and/or job training and any other area of concern. Also provided: individual counseling, support groups, child, youth and pet care services.
  • Rose Andom Center – bilingual legal support, counseling, medical services, and assistance with job search/job skills, finances.
  • 1330 Fox Street, Denver; 720-337-4400.
  • Mi Casa – Family Resource Center; Legal Night – free legal consultation on the 3rd Tuesday of each month (5:30-8:00PM, first-come/first-served); ESL Services; GED Preparation; Career Coaching; Computer Literacy Classes.
  • SafeHouse Denver – bilingual services for women and children. Emergency shelter, counseling, support groups, and legal referrals.
    •  303-318-9989.
  • Safe Shelter of St. Vrain Valley – emergency shelter, counseling, legal referrals, community referrals.
    • Office: 303-772-0432; 24-Hour Crisis Line: 303-772-4422.
  • IDEA – Counseling Center – provides culturally and linguistically appropriate counseling and education to prevent and eliminate abuse. Walk-ins welcome.
    • IDEA Thornton: 9150-B North Washington Street, Thornton, CO 80229; 303-996-9966
    • IDEA Brighton: 83 North 4th Avenue, Brighton, CO 80601; 303-659-9440

Legal Clinics & Free Legal Information

  • Free Legal Guidance for Immigrants: Immigration attorneys from Albuja Law to provide legal guidance about immigration matters on October 18, 6-8PM, at The Medical Center of Aurora North Campus, 700 South Potomac Avenue, Dr. Ed Lourde Room, Aurora, CO. Free and open to the public.
  • Colorado Legal Services:

Refugee and Immigrant Resources

  • Free Legal Guidance for Immigrants: Immigration attorneys from Albuja Law to provide legal guidance about immigration matters on October 18, 6-8PM, at The Medical Center of Aurora North Campus, 700 South Potomac Avenue, Dr. Ed Lourde Room, Aurora, CO. Free and open to the public.
  • Colorado Legal Services:

Tax Help


Colorado Child Care Assistance Program (CCCAP):

CCCAP provides child care assistance to families needing child care services to support their efforts toward self-sufficiency. CCCAP provides families access to reduced cost child care at licensed child care facilities or qualified (unlicensed) providers. Families must meet income guidelines. Benefits are available for children under the age of thirteen (13).

Adams County Interactive Resource Map:

To access the map

On the right you will see a list of quick links. Simply click on Interactive Resource Map and wait a few seconds for the map to load.  One the left will be some brief instructions most of which is to click on Layers at the bottom and then check what resources you want shown on the map.

Bright By Text – free tips by text for parents and caregivers of children age 0-5 years of age. Enrollment is fast and easy: text BRIGHT to 274448. Bright By Text messages are targeted to the age and developmental stage of a child and include learning games, health, safety and development information, as well as local resources.

Colorado PEAK offers a “universal application” in which families can apply for multiple benefit programs by filling out ONE application.