Family Leadership Council

Family Leadership Council

Free Ticket

Online event registration and ticketing powered by Event Espresso

  •  March 24, 2025
     10:00 am - 11:00 am

ECPAC’s Family Leadership Council is currently conducting a Mental Health Project. We understand that the stigma makes it very intimidating for individuals to talk about their own Mental Health. We are working to continue the conversation in ways that are more comfortable for people. 

Are you interested in lending your voice and experience to lead to better outcomes for children and families in Adams County? Please consider filling out our application! We meet on the fourth Monday of the month from 10-11 in Thornton at Margaret Carpenter Recreation Center.



Venue Phone: 720-782-2141

Venue Website:

11151 Colorado Blvd., Thornton, Colorado, 80233


11151 Colorado Blvd, Thornton, CO 80233