Contact Career Navigation

Learning Objectives: Rellena este formulario en español

  • To learn about the career paths and professional development opportunities ECE professionals are looking for.
  • To inform and design the services offered by the Career Navigator.
  • To understand which resources are the most helpful for professionals in the community.
  • To tailor recommended resources to meet the needs of ECE professionals.

    Preferred method of communication (please check all that apply)
    EmailPhone CallText MessageZoom/Virtual/FaceTimeIn Person

    What is your Race/Ethnicity?

    What is your preferred language? (Please check all that apply)

    What would you like assistance with? (Please check all that apply)
    Assistant Director qualificationsCareer PathwayCDACoaching CredentialDirector QualificationsEarly Childhood Teacher (ECT) QualificationEntry level optionsEmployment optionsEnrollment in Community CollegeFriends Family and Neighbor Care (FFN) Career AdvancementGeneral Professional DevelopmentGeneral Teaching Assistant (TA) SupportPDIS General SupportPDIS Credential SupportPre-service TrainingProfessional Learning Community or Reflective SupervisionResume, interview, application supportScholarshipsWaiversAnnual training for childcare licensingOther

    Tell us more about what supports are needed.

    What is the highest level of schooling you have completed?
    Some High SchoolHigh School Diploma or GEDSome CollegeAssociate's DegreeBachelor's DegreeMaster's DegreePh.D., Professional Degree (such as J.D. or M.D.), or other post-graduate studyTrade School or ApprenticeshipPrefer Not to Say

    Have you ever worked in the field of Early Childhood?

    (If yes on the previous question) How many years have you worked in the field of Early Childhood?
    0-1 Year2-4 Years5-10 YearsOver 10 Years

    If you are currently working in ECE - which program are you currently employed?

    What is your current position?
    Assistant TeacherLead TeacherCenter DirectorFamily Childcare OwnerOther

    What is the primary age group you work with (check all that apply):

    What is the quality level of the ECE program where you work?
    Level 1Level 2Level 3Level 4Level 5N/A - Not Working in FieldUnknown

    How many children do you provide early care and education for in your classroom or Family Childcare Home?

    What is your current household income level (for all income earners)
    $30,120 or under$30,121 to $40,880$40,881 to $51,640$51,641 to $62,400$62,401 to $73,160$73,161 to $83,920$83,921 to $94,680$94,681 to $105,440105,441 to 116,200$116,201 and above

    How many people are living in your home and supported by this income?

    Does your workplace offer any incentives for you to pursue career advancement?

    What city do you live in?

    What city do you work in or plan to work in?

    How did you learn about Career Navigation services/or who referred you?

    To best evaluate our program we may text you surveys. Do you give permission to receive these texts?